About Us
Here’s Our Story
We believe in bringing joy to everything we produce.
Join us in our mission to Mend our Nation by supporting products and goods made in the USA. Bringing jobs, pride and wealth back home.
MendaNation Coffee Division:
As consumers it's up to each of us to hold manufacturing to a higher standard. We believe this starts right in our own backyard. Mendanation has taken the initiative to ensure that every product we produce is made with as many elements as possible here in the US. Products such as Coffee beans are sourced with only those vendors and farms who employ environmentally friendly, sustainable products while practicing fair trade. We only have one world and one nation. We will Mend our Nation one cup at a time.
From our Q Grader:
I began my journey with a passion for a great cup of coffee. Early on I thought I wanted to try roasting my own. Success I was on my way to becoming a connoisseur! My passion led me to sourcing the very best beans that pleased my palate. I searched the world of offerings, importing and sharing with those who felt like me. My passion grew. I wanted to know more. I became a Q grader. One of now 400 in the USA.
Do you know what a Q Grader is?
A Q Grader is a cupping expert, someone who is a master at scoring the smell and taste of Arabica coffee.
You can’t imagine how hard it is to become a certified Q grader via the Coffee Quality Institute: you must pass twenty-two different tests. Yes, 22. Which take place over 5 days. These examinations are both theoretical and practical.
But what are these exams like? Those who want to become Q graders are tested on their ability to accurately and consistently identify quality coffee in all their formats. They even have to pass a blindfolded cupping test!
This is why the title of Q grader is so prestigious: it holds evaluating coffee to international and rigorous standards. Q graders connect coffee lovers worldwide: Q grading, through the highest – universally respected – coffee standards. This lets us flag the world’s most exquisite coffee, to please the taste buds of educated coffee consumers who settle only for the highest quality coffee.
My love for coffee opened up doors in 2012 to be on the judging panel at the 2012 world coffee convention in Seattle. What a dream experience. What I love most about this industry is how passionate and caring everyone I meet is. We all share a common bond, the love of coffee. I’m honored to share my passion with you making the promise that every cup of MendaNation coffee will bring joy!